
Asian Media Access

AMA Working with Hennepin County to Seek Feedback on Blue Line Anti-Displacement Efforts

Hennepin County, alongside key partners, is calling for community feedback on the Coordinated Action Plan (CAP) for Anti-Displacement (https://yourblueline.org/coordinated-action-plan-overview ). This plan outlines strategies to prevent the displacement of residents and businesses during the construction of the Blue Line Extension (BLE) light rail transit project, ensuring current corridor communities benefit from the development, as well as the criteria for $10 millions state funding allocations.

The Blue Line Extension will extend the existing METRO Blue Line from Target Field Station in downtown Minneapolis northwest to Brooklyn Park, connecting communities along the way. While this project promises enhanced connectivity and economic opportunities, there are concerns about potential displacement due to rising property values and redevelopment pressures. To address these concerns, the Coordinated Action Plan provides a roadmap for mitigating displacement and promoting equitable development.

AMA has worked with the County and BLE to engage with small businesses along the BLE aiming to create an Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Cultural District. In the report, there are few factors to be considered:

1) Community Engagement: With a robust community outreach before, during, and after the BLE construction to ensure residents and businesses remain informed and involved. Residents’ input will guide the design of stations and surrounding development, ensuring that the light rail infrastructure complements and supports existing neighborhoods.

2) Relocation and Property Assistance: Working with the Metropolitan Council to minimize the need for property acquisition (right-of-way) and assist property owners with relocation when necessary, ensuring fair compensation and support.

3) Business Support: Keeping small businesses within the corridor is central to the CAP. The BLE project offers opportunities by connecting businesses with a larger workforce and customer base. Existing resources (such as: Elevate Hennepin) are in place to help small businesses thrive.

4) Housing Stability: Affordable housing preservation is a core focus. All partners are committed to supporting current residents through various housing programs and initiatives aimed at preventing displacement and promoting housing stability.

5) Wealth Building and Financial Stability: AMA will offer workforce training and share career pathways info to help community members gain financial stability during and after the BLE project’s construction.

6) Safety: A focus on ensuring both physical and perceived safety around light rail stations will encourage residents to use the service and benefit from its presence in their communities.

This is a critical time for residents and businesses along the Blue Line Extension corridor to provide their feedback on the Coordinated Action Plan. Public inputs will refine the strategies to prevent displacement and promote inclusive development (such as: AAPI Cultural District) to ensure resources are equitably allocated. Community members can share their thoughts by completing the survey linked below. Your input will help shape future decisions of the potential AAPI Cultural District and ensure the Blue Line Extension benefits all corridor residents and businesses.

For more information and to complete the survey, please visit – https://yourblueline.org/coordinated-action-plan-overview/surveys/share-feedback-on-the-anti-displacement-coordinated-action-plan-report-2

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