
Asian Media Access

Making Your Voice Heard

Your vote is your voice, and Asian Media Access gathered a few resources and help you to discover the various ways you can vote in Minnesota, learn about your voting rights and protections, and get helpful tips to make the voting process smooth and easy.

Other Resources

National Voter Registration Day: High School Partner Factsheet

Why Voting Matters

Voting is an important way for individuals to make their voices heard and ensure that their needs are met by the elected officials who represent them. People who participate in elections tend to have their interests and concerns better addressed by their local, state, and federal governments.

A law change will go into effect on July 1, 2023

Your criminal record does not affect your right to vote in Minnesota unless you are currently serving a felony conviction sentence, including probation, parole or supervised release.

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Registration FAQ

You must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day
  • A resident of Minnesota for 20 days
  • Finished with all parts of any felony sentence
  • You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote.
  • You cannot vote if a court has ruled that you are legally incompetent.

You must re-register each time you change address, change names or do not vote at least once during a four-year period. Update your registration by completing a new registration application. 

Unlike many states, you can wait until Election Day to register in Minnesota. However, we encourage you to register before Election Day—it will save you time at the polling place.

You can register to vote by checking a box on your driver’s license or state ID application or renewal form.

If you move to a new Minnesota residence, you can submit a United States Postal Service (USPS) change-of-address form. USPS will notify election officials of the change. If election officials can match the record in their system, they will update your address and mail a green confirmation postcard to you.

Feel free to visit Elections & Voting website to learn about Voting in Minnesota.

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