By Janie Ye –Wayzata High School
Asian Americans are a diverse group and do not represent a single culture. More than 19 million Asian Americans represent over 20 countries that have distinct cultures and histories. Labeling all of these groups as Asian Americans is misleading because one may assume that all have similar cultures. In reality, Asian Americans find pride in their different cultures and find ways to express themselves in the diverse United States.
Each Asian ethnic group has special traditions that form a distinct culture. From religions to languages, there are prominent differences that people should be aware of. Some aspects of culture, such as religion, depend on the location of the group. Popular beliefs such as Hinduism, which originated in Southeast Asia, are most commonly practiced in that region. However, there are a few similarities between different cultures. For example, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese food have a lot in common. Using similar ingredients and techniques, there may be dishes that taste or look alike. Korean tangsuyuk can be compared to Cantonese tangcurou. In terms of clothing, traditional dress is very varied throughout Asian countries. Asian Americans may show appreciation for their culture by dressing in traditional clothing, like saris from India, hanboks from Korea, or qipaos from China.
Although there are notable differences between Asian cultures, they share similar values. Asians tend to care a lot about their tightly-knit communities and believe in harmony and loyalty. Asian American parents may stress the importance of respect. Family is a big part of Asian culture, with emphasis on respecting elders and living together. In recent years, there have been some changes and parents are more willing to accept their childrens’ individuality. Asian American values may be less restrictive and more accepting.
A good way to experience Asian culture would be to attend events such as the Twin Cities West Metro Asian Fair. There will be performances, food, and cultural displays. You can browse local exhibits and experience different Asian cultures. Anyone can stop by and enjoy the activities and food that will be offered. Experiencing Asian culture and trying new things could be a great way to spend your day!