Asian Media Access

Successfully Developed the Heritage Language Gaming Addiction Prevention Brochures

In collaboration with the Chinese American Culture & Friendship, Elluminance Era, Lao Assistance Center, and the Vietnamese Community of MN, we successfully produced four heritage language brochures in Chinese, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese to support Asian families in preventing gaming addictions.

Click for the link below for the PDF version in each language:

These educational materials, titled “Talking to Your Child About Gaming,” were developed by the Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling (MNAPG). Gaming is increasingly popular across all ages, with game designers targeting ever-younger audiences. While these games can be entertaining and often serve as a social activity, they can sometimes become the primary way a child interacts with others. Friendships and communities are built through gaming, making it an important aspect of a player’s life. Therefore, it is critical for Asian parents to establish clear boundaries for gaming to ensure it remains a fun and recreational activity for their children and youth, and not evolve into gambling behaviors.

At AMA, we believe that “Open Communication is Key.” Asian parents should take an interest in what their children and youth are doing on their phones, tablets, or gaming systems. By asking questions about how to play certain games and listening to their answers without judgment, parents can gradually build common ground to discuss potential gaming addiction and differentiate between healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

The educational brochure offers additional tips that families can use when engaging in conversations about their children’s and youth’s gaming activities. Please note: As the state advocate for problem gambling, MNAPG is available for community presentations, AMA and our partners are happy to provide interpreters to engage parents in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way to learn more about the gaming epidemic. For more information:,, 612-424-8595, or the Minnesota gambling helpline: 1-800-333-HOPE (4673).


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