Asian Media Access

Offering Non-stop Pop Up Vaccination Clinics

Working with our partners (CAPI USA, Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN, Chinese Community Center, Cub Pharmacy, Encouraging Leaders, HACER, Hmong American Partnership, MN Dept. of Health, NNPHI, UCare, and USAging), we have been able to support a weekly pop-up vaccination clinic throughout MN.

With the partnership, we have been able to implement a few community driven practices to further engage with BIPOC members, strategies like:

  • On-going social media campaign, and journalistic articles writing to decrease vaccine hesitancy;
  • Hosting the Clinics at where BIPOC members conducting their daily activities, such as: church, mosque, grocery store, senior centers, food shelf, schools, shopping malls, and area apartments, etc.;
  • Hosting the Clinics at where BIPOC members celebrating their cultural holidays, and get-together events;
  • Supporting BIPOC communities with BIPOC nurses, along with cultural/linguistic trusted messengers;
  • No reservation needed, first come, first served with a longer than 2 hours period of time for services, along with assistance provided to fill out forms, explain the side effects of vaccines, and working with Lyft offering ride coupons, to ensure the accessibility;
  • Utilizing performing arts to further encourage the seniors to come out and enjoy the show, while get vaccines;
  • Offering Gift Cards as incentives, as well as ways to compensate the expenses to get to the site, and lost of works, etc.; and last but not least
  • Being consistent – with identical flyer designs, friendly/familiar faces at various clinic sites, answering diverse questions sincerely and appreciating members all the time to come out and get vaccinated to protect us all.

So far in 2023 alone, AMA has set a very ambitious goal of 5,000 vaccine shots, we need your help to get there, please join us and spread the words. Please like/follow AMA facebook (@asianmediaaccess) to get the most updated event info)

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