
Asian Media Access

CAAL CelebrAsian of KaYing Yang

DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 10, 2021, 6:30PM to 8:00PM
PLACE:  Online Zoom, RSVP Here

We invite you to join our board and staff in honoring and celebrating KaYing Yang for all she’s done in her tenure at CAAL as Director of Programs and Partnerships. As she now transitions from the staff team to focus on her Bush Fellowship and other passions, we will send her off with good energy and best wishes for continued success.

KaYing joined CAAL in 2015. Her energy, passion, extensive experience in public policy, community organizing, and relational leadership skills were invaluable to moving community campaigns on immigration, education and economics. Her leadership grew our network and expanded our partnerships with many allies.

Please join us for this virtual celebration. The funny duo, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay and May Lee-Yang, of Funny Asian Women Kollective (FAWK) will serve as our hosts for an evening of celebration. We hope to see you virtually!

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