
Asian Media Access

Beyond Allyship to Solidarity Series

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 12:00pm-2:00pm
PLACE: Online Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsdOCgrTMuGdE5GdjsMsPbHVfVlSJ-zvC_

The AAOP Gender Justice team is so excited to share with you our 4-part, educational workshop series about APIDA queer allyship, which will take place each Saturday in June from 12-2PM CT. We encourage all queer and non-queer APIDA youth/young adults ages 14+ to join us in the community conversations! We look forward to seeing you each Saturday in June!

The four workshops include:
June 5, Workshop 1: “LGBTQIA+ 101”
June 12, Workshop 2: “Queerness in APIDA Families, Communities, and Cultures”
June 19, Workshop 3: “Addressing Queerphobia”
June 26, Workshop 4: “Advocacy and Community Building”
* Recordings of the workshops (only slides and official presentations) will be made available to registrants after the series.

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