Asian Media Access

“All of Us” Research Project

Asian Media Access was funded 4 yearw in the row to work on the “All of Us Research Program” (AoURP).   This National Institute of Health (NIH)’s program is designed to aid in gathering health-related data from over one million people living in the United States to improve health and it’s associated research.

Despite the prowess of modern medicine, there are still far too many diseases running rampant that have no proven form of treatment or prevention – entering the Precision Medicine, a revolutionary approach to disease prevention and treatment that takes into account individual differences in lifestyle, environment, and biology.  Researchers will use data from this program – AoURP in order to learn more about how individual differences can influence health and disease.

Since launch in 2016, the “All of Us Research Program” has collected over 500,000+ people’s worth of health data.   Sadly few of these people, only 2.5%, are from Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) involved.  We hope to engage more AANHPI members to sign up with  “All of Us Research Program” (AoURP), to improve AANHPIs’ health disparities.

People who join will share information about their health, habits, and what it’s like where they live. By looking for patterns, researchers may learn more about what affects people’s health.

  1. Participants Share Data
  2. Data is Protected
  3. Researchers Study Data
  4. Participants Get Information
  5. Researchers Share Discoveries

This community engagement process for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) is led by the Asian Health Coalition’s (AHC’s) National Engagement Strategy (NES) as the roadmap for the engagement and enrollment of AANHPI diverse populations. The cornerstone of the NES is the Asian Engagement and Recruitment Core (ARC) Coalition. With the AHC as the lead, the ARC is a proactive, multilevel network of dynamic partnerships that implement the NES to increase the representation of AANHPIs in “All of Us Research Program” (AoURP).    And Asian Media Access is part of the ARC coalition.

The Asian Engagement and Recruitment Core (ARC) is a dynamic, multilevel network of organizations that serve and represent AANHPIs across the nation.  The primary goal of the ARC is to increase AANHPI participation in AoURP through culturally appropriate, cost-effective, and scalable engagement and education.

In order to achieve this goal, the AHC laid out the following objectives:

  • Train a cohort of ARC Champions to provide culturally sensitive messaging and community education/awareness about AoU;
  • Deliver culturally tailored education and approaches for AoU recruitment and enrollment strategies; and
  • Build trust and develop a shared understanding about clinical trial participation and enrollment with our community-based organizations (CBOs) and health provider organization (HPO) partners.

In the past 4 years, AMA has actively engaged with ARC through culturally and linguistically specific approaches and multisector collaborations for effective community engagement, education and enrollment of AANHPI communities historically underrepresented in health research.

Recognized our success, AMA will continue to host:

  • Culturally Tailored Marketing and Communications through our young cultural brokers program and social media campaign;
  • Community Engagement and Education about “All of Us” through virtual and in-person events, training and health fairs;
  • Helping AANHPIs to enroll into “All of Us” Online Enrollment Platform;
  • Helping AANHPIs’ enrollment via HPOs, DV Sites, and the Journey Bus; and
  • Updating AANHPIs with “All of Us” Research Program Status

Please check, or contact for more info.

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