Asian Media Access

Upcoming Summer Enrichment Activities

After 2 years of Pandemic isolation, Asian Media Access is happy to announce our in-person Summer Enrichment Activities, starting June 2022, please check each activity, and follow the registration instruction.  And the good news is – both Project Resonance and Chinese Culture and Language Camp will be supported through MN Dept of Education’s Summer Academic Enrichment Scholarships to cover the full cost of the Camp expenses, please contact for the opportunities.

1)    Youth Media Force, for youth 14 – 15 years old, supported through the City of Minneapolis STEP-UP program.

Period: June 21– August 19, 2022, 20 hours a week.

Fee: Free, youth interns will be paid through the STEP-UP program.

Registration: through the City of Minneapolis’ STEP-UP program

Camp Address: Online Classes, with in-person Production Studio Training at Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN), 550 Vandalia St #170, St Paul, MN 55114.

Description: Supporting 30 Minneapolis young people to learn multimedia production skills in three areas: 1) Online Learning with Animaker to create animated videos; 2) Online Learning with Canva to create postcards; and 3) In-person Learning at Production Studio to create videos, along with safety training, ex. operating the lighting equipment for the production, etc..  Youth will apply the skills learned to the production works and create social consciousness products through animation, postcards and videos and share with their cultural communities.

2)    Camp Resonance, for youth 6th – 11th grades, supported through MN Dept of Education’s Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Period: June 13th – August 25th, 2022 with intensive weekly practices

Tuition: $1,400 ($1,000 can be supported through Summer Academic Enrichment Scholarships)

Registration: please contact for details

Camp Address: Asian Media Access’ Multimedia Arts Complex at 2418 Plymouth Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55411

Description: The mission of Project Resonance is to use DANCE to engage in cross-cultural dialogues.  Project Resonance is an intensive Civic Engagement and Asian Dance Training Camp with a special intention of recruiting disadvantaged Asian American youth to use the dance movements to release their COVID anxiety, and at the same time to support them using the Asian dances (Bollywood, Chinese, Hmong, and Thai Dances) to engage in conversations with communities to improve cultural understanding, intercultural harmony and decrease Anti-Asian hate acts.

3)    Chinese Language Enhancement Camp, for youth 3rd – 6th grades, supported through MN Dept of Education’s Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Period: Monday, August 1 to Friday, August 5, 2022, one week of camp experience with a full-day activity from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Tuition: $550 (Full Tuition can be supported through with Summer Academic Enrichment Scholarships)

Registration: please contact for details

Camp Address: Visitation School at 2455 Visitation Dr, Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Description: The Chinese Culture and Language Enhancement Camp will have below learning objectives:

  • Learn Mandarin Chinese language skills and Chinese culture;
  • Interact with peers in a diverse setting using Mandarin;
  • Enhance academic knowledge, as well as civic engagement skills about racial equity and social justice to mitigate the Anti-Asian Hate impacts on our bicultural learners.

Additionally, our campers will examine how global issues impact local communities, exploring topics such as: inequality, and identity formation, etc. Course themes are brought to life through engaging out-of-class learning that connects students to experts and local Mandarin-speaking networks. Campers will share the experience through a story-book project, to use their language and cultural skills to express their daily life experience, along with COVID-19 impacts.

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