Asian Media Access

An Innovative Way to introduce Blueline Station Design

Asian Media Access has teamed up with Pan Asian Arts Alliance – a group of young Asian American artists working together to support the Blueline community engagement effort through artistic innovation.

Since 2020, the Metro Blue Line Extension Light Rail Transit (BLRT) has contracted 15 community and cultural groups to conduct extensive community engagement regarding the new direction of the BLRT project, route selection and station study area processes, along with identifying community concerns regarding displacement. In June of 2022, a route was recommended that has been informed by this community engagement process.

The recommended route is having the Blueline going through West Broadway Avenue. So since September, the Blueline has hosted community workshops to review the route recommendations in these areas, answered questions and gathered feedback. Pan Asian Arts Alliance has then teamed up with the Open Street on Sept. 10th, to use Asian and Kpop dances to further support station area planning and landuse, to encourage more recognition of Asian cultural icons along the Blueline.

During the Open Street, young artists have performed Asian Dances, Traditional Lion Dances, as well as modern Kpop Dances, after each dance, artists have interacted with audiences and invited audiences to pick up special dance photo icons and placed the photos at their preferred Blueline stations to advocate for creation of more Asian American and Pacific Islander cultural hub along the Blueline.

AMA has prepared a large backdrop Blueline Map next to the stage area, and encouraged audiences to enjoy the show and placed diverse Asian cultural dance icons onto the map where they see fit, and welcomed members leaving more feedbacks about the station planning as well.

Check out our performance photos and audience interactive photos.

And feel free to share more feedbacks through

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